Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Welcome to our course blog page!

This blog is a part of an undergraduate supply chain management class project at Michigan State University. Students must identify and publish brief blog posts about interesting, relevant and recent developments related to selected topics and issues covered in the course.

Students will work in groups of 4 members assigned to a topic. Students are required to contribute at least six entries to the SCM373 Logistics & Transportation blog throughout the semester but no more than one entry per week. The weekly posts should offer perspectives, discussing positive and challenging issues related to each topic. It is recommended that students should offer alternate perspectives (from positive to challenges) each week, such that the current week's post offers counter-arguments against the previous week's post and presents a new challenge/opportunity for the next post to address.

Student entries should only be about the approved topics and should take advantage of background knowledge from the course and teaching materials provided.  Entries should be opinion-based, concise (three to five paragraphs), and provide links to further resources about the topic. Reference to recent news articles, videos, pictures, podcasts, etc. are encouraged. Discussion questions are also encouraged. 

Only student postings are allowed but external comments are welcome.